Below are Margie’s written articles! Enjoy!

  • It's Time to Raise Up the Next Generation of Intercessors - Charisma Magazine

    God is igniting the prayer movement around the world, calling His church to greater levels of consecration in intercession and travail. It is no surprise that the enemy of our souls would fight back, seeking to sideline us with discouragement and passivity. But we must not be those who faint or fall back in the fight. We must press on toward the call of God for our lives—to know Christ and to partner with releasing His will on the earth. His will, ultimately, is that all people would be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (see 1 Tim. 2:4).

  • 1980 Kenneth Hagin Sr Prophetic Word: Ramp It Up - Charisma Magazine

    The nations of the world are ripe for revival. God wants to move in powerful ways, but we have a part to play. I believe the coming move of God will be birthed through an increase of travail and intercession by the bride of Christ. In 1980, Kenneth E. Hagin gave a prophecy about this:

  • How We Can Take Ground in the Spirit Realm - Charisma Magazine

    When we talk about birthing revival in prayer, it's important for us to understand how prayer works. The impact of our prayers often isn't immediately evident, and because of that, if we don't understand how prayer works, we can get discouraged and give up just as we are on the brink of breakthrough.

  • How God Is Calling You to Arise As a Mighty Warrior for His Kingdom - Charisma Magazine

    We need to live in the light of eternity. Heaven is our true home, and God is our true Father. One day, each of us will leave this earth and give an account to our Father for the way we lived. When I stand before Him, I want God to say I co-labored faithfully in His kingdom work; I prayed when no one was watching; and I maintained my first love. I want that for you too.

  • Prayer Burdens and Alerts, Part 1 - Charisma Magazine

    Intercessors are those who pray for the needs of others. Most often, we pray for other people because they ask us to. But the Holy Spirit knows when people need prayer — even if they don't request it. Sometimes people don't ask for prayer, and sometimes they don't know when they need prayer. But the Holy Spirit knows and He can tell His intercessors to pray for particular people at particular times, even without any external evidence of a need. I call such promptings of the Spirit prayer burdens or prayer alerts.

  • Prayer Burdens and Alerts, Part 2 - Charisma Magazine

    Have you ever suddenly felt deep concern or alarm for a person or situation without any seeming reason? Such experiences can feel disconcerting and strange but they are one of the ways the Holy Spirit speaks to us and guides us in our intercession.

  • Intercession Isn't a Microwave Prayer - Charisma Magazine

    We live in a microwave culture. We want everything quickly, if not instantly, but that's not how intercession works. Intercession is taking hold of God's will for another person or situation and refusing to let go until His will comes to pass. It isn't a weak request but a tenacious prayer that requires importunity or persistence in solicitation. Perseverance, according to Jesus, was the essential element of prayer (see Luke 18:1-8).

  • The Shaping of a Leader - Destiny Image
    The best years for the universal Church are yet ahead of us. He has called and ordained many vessels to live in this time in history. Now, He is getting ready to take many vessels off the shelf, to bring them out of hiding and display His glory through them.

  • Private Prayer Births Public Revival - Charisma Magazine

    God longs for people to say yes to the ministry and mantle of intercession. We are familiar with the fivefold ministry—the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers—but we also desperately need the ministry of intercession. This isn’t a glamorous ministry; it isn’t done from the stage.

  • 3 Powerful Prayer Foundations - Charisma Magazine

    Simply put, intercession is taking hold of God’s will and refusing to let go until His will comes to pass. As intercessors, we need this spiritual grit factor—tenaciously holding on to the promises of God in prayer until we see His will accomplished. To this end, we need to be reminded of three important foundations of prayer. These will prepare us for the deeper places God wants to take us in intercession.